Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Discussion of "Reparations"

Today in class when Gillian presented the story of woman who walked around a city, wearing a shirt that said "pay reparations here," I was shocked by the responses that a lot of my fellow class mates gave in response to the question if they would've given the woman money. I don't know why anyone in this generation should feel guilty about the racism and terrible oppression that has been pushed upon African Americans in the past unless they are directly, actively racist today. I'm not denying that what whites did to this group of people isn't horrific, or that racism and oppression don't still exist today, but I don't feel responsible for this because I don't partake in it. Yes, I'm not actively anti-racist like I know I should be, and I will be trying harder not to be passive anymore, but I don't feel like I should be held accountable for the poor choices of other members in the dominate white society. I think this isn't fair or right, and that's why I wouldn't give that woman any money. I understand her purpose, and I would tell her how sorry I was for all the injustices that exist in society but also that I don't support those actions, and therefore don't see it as part of my responsibility to give her money for something that I didn't have anything to do with.


  1. I know how you feel. I know I would want to say yes, but if I were being completely honest, I'd probably say no. Though from taking this class I wouldn't want the interaction to end there. My curious nature might lead me to have a conversation about it to better understand, but I don't know if that would make me want to give either. It's tricky y'know?

  2. Oh for sure it is. That's what I like about this class. It's super thought provoking, but at the same time it's a little annoying (maybe in a good way) because it really makes me reconsider any decisions I am about to make in case of their racist, sexist, etc. implications. I like it, but it's a tough thing to deal with and think about all the time.
